David Weeter Ministries

Fear is Sin

March 10, 2022 David Weeter/ Lynn Weeter Season 5 Episode 10
David Weeter Ministries
Fear is Sin
Show Notes Transcript

The Bible is very clear that whatever is not of faith is sin. Fear and faith are complete opposites so there  is not question that fear is sin!

Join David and Lynn this week as they begin taking the wraps off of fear and look at why it is so dangerous for a child of God to mess around with it!

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Speaker 1:

I a covenant man, covenant living in the riches of my Lord and king. I'm a covenant man, man, committed to him in everything I do believe he come again. And I'm the one thing I'm gonna do is learned to live in the blessing of Abraham.

Speaker 2:

Hello everybody everywhere. Praise God, glory, God. It's another wonderful, wonderful day. I'm David weer. This is my wife Lynn weer. And you have tuned in to the covenant living broadcast. Why that name? Because everything in a Christian's life should be based solidly on the word of the living God, which is covenant backed in blood. That's why you can base your life on it. Praise God. And that's a whole different teaching.<laugh>, let's start off with a word of prayer and then we're gonna get into some, some, um, interesting things, father, we thank you very much for another opportunity to come before the people and share principles, laws, operational tactics of the kingdom of God, to bring people the word and give the, the holy spirit an opportunity to unveil and unwrap the mysteries of the word of God in people's lives to bring understanding, to bring light, which will ultimately bring victory, spirit, soul, body, financially, socially in every area of the human existence. You sir have provided life and life more abundantly. And we're so grateful and we're so honored. And we thank you for it in the name of Jesus. Praise God, hallelujah. Hallelujah. You got that. You got that up brew. We'll bring it on in. Pull the chair up and let's get into the word of God. Now I'm going to don't hold onto your seat, cuz I'm gonna make a couple very bold statements right off the bat. And then we are going to look into the word and see what they have to say. Fear. Listen to me, fear is sin. I didn't stutter. I didn't beat around the Bush. I didn't him. Ha fear is sin. A Christian has absolutely no reason to have it as a part of their life. Now turn with me over to Romans chapter 14 and let's look at this Romans chapter 14 and verse 23. And he, that doubts is damned. If he eats, if you go back up, he's talking about, uh, you know, these people are eating these people. Aren't, these people are having meat. These people only eating vegetables, these, you know, you know, whatever, okay. But here's the bottom line of it. And he, that doubts is damned if he eat because he eats not of faith for whatsoever. Anything whatsoever is not of faith is sin. Now you can't be in fear and faith at the same time, doesn't work. They're diametrically opposed. Opposites where fear begins. Faith ends, faith ends technically<laugh> that's using words. The way we understand'em it's the same force where fear begins. Just simply means that the force that we're talking about is directed in the direction of something that Satan's doing or something that Satan has said, faith, what we, what we name and call faith means that the force is moving in the direction of God and the things of the kingdom of God. Okay? But everybody understands faith and fears. That's the way we're gonna, even though it's the same force, that's the way we're gonna refer to'em because they people understand the direction mm-hmm<affirmative> component of it that way whatsoever. Anything that is not of faith is sin. So therefore fear is sin. You got no right to participate in fear. Any more than you would murder or adultery, it's it, it deserves no part in your life. Now go ahead.

Speaker 3:

Something that a lot of people don't get though on that aspect is fear. Isn't just like a phobia of spiders or a phobia of snakes. Worry is fear.

Speaker 2:

Now, see, now there you go. I'm jumping way, jumping ahead

Speaker 3:

Of things. Well, but I'm making sure people understand. They're not just sitting here listening, going, well, I don't have an phobias. I'm fine. I don't need to pay attention. Yeah.

Speaker 2:

And we're not talking about controlling fear here and there and the other, you know, you can get like a rodeo guy, you had a bull rider or something like that. He can control fear where that riding, that bull's concerned. Get on that thing. I'm not necessarily interested in that at this point. Well, I don't know. It might be a little fun, but anyway<laugh> but he gets in his truck and he's headed to the next rodeo. He's worried the whole way there. I mean, he hadn't been home in months. Is his wife cheating on him? I mean, haven't, I haven't done too good riding here lately. The finances are down. I mean, he's worrying, he's afraid. The whole trip. Fear is working. Fear is working. Fear's working. He's controlled in this one little area through training and, and, and practice mm-hmm<affirmative>, but it's still functioning in his life. The reason we're bringing these things up is because fear, you know, most Christians treat it pretty lightly. Matter of fact, they even justify it a lot, particularly where children are concerned. Well, you gotta have fear because you know, otherwise the kids are gonna run out there in the road, in front of the vehicle. No's not

Speaker 3:

True. Well, on the other end of that is, well, if I didn't worry about them, I wouldn't love them

Speaker 2:

Now. See, now you're all the way down here.

Speaker 3:

I know. But again, this is, we'll get into some details in just a minute. Absolutely. But we've got to make sure you understand. This is not just those big

Speaker 2:

Fears. Yeah. Every, and we've heard people say those exact words, you know, worry just means you love somebody. No, it just means you're killing yourself slowly.<laugh> that's just, what's what it means. Fear is fear is working in your life. Death is working in your life. And if death is working in your life, it's gonna shorten your life one way or another and it's gonna make you miserable in the process. So anyway, here we go. Okay. Um, they, they justify it. They, they think it's a way to love people. And so they mini min min

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Minimize the importance of it. You've gotta get it outta your life. And we're about to look, why, what does God have to say about fear? You know, that's what we base our lives on is the word, right? So that's what we've gotta go look at for our gold standard. If you wanna look, you're in the wrong place and watching the wrong broadcast, if you wanna base your life on something other than the word, because that's all we're interested in. I mean, you can base it on philosophy. You can base it on theory. You can base it on. Well, I don't, I don't think it oughta work that way.<laugh> okay, but it's gonna work that way. Uh, it doesn't matter what you think. Uh, quite honestly, the way it is. So, um, if you're interested in basing your life on the word and depending upon this word, then you're in the right place. Keep enjoying that cup of coffee and<laugh> and turn over here to John chapter 14. Now see, I had my marker on, okay, John chapter 14, verse one

Speaker 3:

Says, let not your heart be troubled. You believe in God. Believe also in me.

Speaker 2:

Let not, now

Speaker 3:

That means you have some control

Speaker 2:

Over. You may not be an English teacher, but let me give you a hint here. The understood subject. There is you. You let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God. Believe also in me now look on over, oh, let's see, where are we gonna start here? You just keep backing up and backing up and backing up. Okay. Verse 21. He that has my commandments and keeps them. He, it is that loves me. And he, that loves me shall be loved of my father. And I will love him. And we and will manifest myself to him, man. That's a wow Judas said unto him, not as scary yet, Lord. How is it that thou will manifest ourself to us and not unto the world. Jesus answered and said unto him. If a man loved me, he will keep my words. So there Jesus is inter he's. He's interchanging between commandments and words. You will keep my words and my father will love him. And we will come unto him and make our abode with him. That word abode means to stay in place, to live, to abide, to stay there, take up habitation. Um, that's what I want in my life.<laugh> is God to take up habitation with me. All right. Verse 24. He, that loves me not keep us not my sayings and the word which you ha hear is not mine, but the fathers, which sent me so everything Jesus spoke was the word of God. These things have I spoken on unto you being yet present with you, but the comforter, which is the holy ghost, whom the father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things and bring all things to your remembrance whatsoever. I have said unto you. And what I've said under you is father's will, because my words are not mine. They're the father's words. And that's are the words that I'm speaking to you. Peace. This is what he's saying. Peace. I leave with you. My peace. I give unto you, not as the world gives, give iion unto you. Let not your heart be troubled. Neither let it be afraid. Now that is the word of God. The words of Jesus, the words of the holy spirit, all three of'em tied right up in this verse telling you do not be afraid. Not only, not only telling you do not don't let yourself. It doesn't matter what comes. Don't allow yourself to be afraid. Trust in the word of God that said his piece. Jesus, personal peace, my peace, the peace that allowed him to sleep in the middle of that storm. My peace I leave with you. Oh, glory to God. Don't let yourself be afraid. Jesus wouldn't have said it. If he didn't mean it.

Speaker 3:

And he wouldn't have said it, if you weren't able to keep yourself from doing it, you know, to say, okay, don't let yourself touch the ground right now. Well, that's not in my capability right now. Mm-hmm<affirmative> but okay, don't let this paper fall to the ground. That's in my capability right now.

Speaker 2:

And if words mean anything, Jesus said my commandments and my words and his words, which are his commandments said, don't let yourself be afraid. It is a commandment, just as sure as thou shall not kill. Just as sure as thou shall not have any other gods before me. Just as sure as thou shall not commit adultery, thou shall not be afraid.<laugh> don't let yourself be afraid. Well, I just can't help it. That is a lie, sweetheart. He would be an unjust God to tell you to not do something. If it was impossible for you not to do it. And he's not an unjust God, he's a loving God. Let tell you what this is. Way, way far in advance. But let me show you why he doesn't want you to be afraid. Turn over to first John chapter four first John chapter four. It's not that he's being hard. It's not that he's saying, alright, God, don't be afraid, but I can't help it. I know you can't help it, but do it anyway. No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no. That's not it at all. Look, look here in, in first John chapter four in verse 18, there is no fear in love. God is love. There is no fear in love, but perfect love. Well, that would be God himself. There is no more perfect love than love himself. Cast out fear because, okay, so this is why this is why he's flushing out the fear because fear half torment. And he's a loving father. He doesn't want his children tormented worried, concerned of afraid. No love doesn't want that for you, but you are the one that has to see to it. Now he gives you all the tools you need. We're gonna go through those. He gives you all the tools you need, but you're the one that's gotta make the stand and make sure that you let not your heart be trouble. Okay. All right. Go back over. Let us see. Let's go ahead. Now. I got, I got swords everywhere here. Mm-hmm<affirmative><laugh> let's go now over to we're we're still seeing about how serious this is, cuz most people don't think it is. So we're gonna reinforce this a little bit. Go over to mark chapter four, mark chapter

Speaker 4:

4 37.

Speaker 2:

Uh, yep, go

Speaker 3:

Ahead. And there arose a great storm of wind and the waves beaten to the ship so that it was now full. And he was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow and they awake him and say, tell him, master Carou, knot that we perish. And he arose and rebuke the wind and said unto the sea peace be still. And the wind ceased. And there was a great calm. And he said unto them, why are you so fearful? How is it that you have no faith? And they feared exceedingly and said one to another. What manner of man is this? That even the wind and see obey him.

Speaker 2:

Okay. So you know, I, I'm not judging. I'm I'm I'm not judging. We've

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Done. We've all done it. We've all done it. But<laugh> why, why are you so fearful? Where is your faith? So we're gonna be more afraid.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

We've all done. That don't act like you weren't don't don't don't even act like it, but

Speaker 3:

This goes back to the perfect love cast out fear. If they had known how much he loved them.

Speaker 2:

Well, yeah, I mean, that was what they said was actually literally almost blasphemous because they

Speaker 3:

Said don't you care?

Speaker 2:

Exactly. He, he, he just<laugh>. Oh Lord.<laugh> not only that. He just got done talking to him and he, he told him over here in the, um, uh, the, so the parable of the so, or so's words, he talked to him about cares. Don't do it. It makes the word of God. No effect. Don't you care? Well, I mean, he could have got up and said, no, I don't care.<laugh> I have no care. But anyway, all kidding aside. Now, look, this was a life and death situation. Now, now look at that. There are verse 37, there arose a great storm, the wind and the waves beat into the ship so that it was now full. The ship was full. It we're going down. Okay. This was a life and death situation. And yet the master himself said, don't be afraid, huh?<laugh> a life. And we, this water, you understand Jesus. Uh, I can't breathe. Water.<laugh> breathe. The water means we die. Okay? No, don't be afraid. Don't be afraid. That's how serious Jesus takes it. Now let's look over even just one chapter later. One chapter later, uh, the, the woman that had used to have the issue of blood<laugh> has just been healed in the middle of all of that. Well, actually she came in the middle of all of that. J Iris came to Jesus, fell down. His daughter was at the point of death. Come help me. Jesus started just walking towards J IRA's house. Okay, here we go. Faith stopped him in the woman that needed healing and deliverance from the issue of blood. So a faith stopped him. Jesus, see, there's no rush. Why? Cause resurrection himself is standing there. So faith stopped him. Faith got the woman healed of the issue of blood. And now we're ready to continue to J Iris's house. But before he could do that in verse 35, while he yet spoke, there came from the ruler of the synagogues house. Certain which said, th daughter is dead. Why trouble is style the master any further. Now over here, a chapter before it was just the threat of death. Mm-hmm<affirmative>, you know, the boat is sinking. We about to die. Now death has happened. Thigh daughter is dead. You know, as a father, as a parent, naturally speaking, I, I, I, I don't know of many more words. That would cause more fear than those words. Th daughter is dead, but Jesus, as soon as Jesus heard the word that was spoken, he said unto the ruler of the synagogue, be not afraid. Only believe in essence. He said, stop. The fear have faith. That's our Jesus is that dad. Now here you see the two, the two opposites. You got fear. You got faith had to stop the fear mm-hmm<affirmative> cause his daughter would stay dead. Have to stop. The fear have faith that she shall live cool. Now here we got a potential life and death situation here. We got death. But in both cases, Jesus said, don't be afraid. That's how serious fear is. Jesus. Didn't cut any slack. He didn't go. Oh, oh, oh. It's okay. It's I know you heard those words and you just can't help be afraid. Know? No, he didn't say that love. Can't say that. If you want the torment out, you hear me love cannot pat fear because it wants the torment out. You've gotta take a stand. You let not your heart. Be afraid. Holy to God. It's that serious. It is exactly that serious. Now one last point on this, just to show you go to revelation. The book of revelation. Well, a little fear is okay, right? I mean, you know, we'll just mix in a little bit, cuz you know, you gotta, you, you teach the, you know, you gotta, you gotta keep the kids outta the street and you know, you gotta worry about your kids cuz that shows them shows'em that you love them in revelation, chapter 21, revelation chapter 21. And let's look down here in verse seven. He that overcome us shall inherit all things. Um, I'll give you a hint. You wanna be an overcomer?<laugh> he, that overcome us, inherited all things and I will be his God and he shall be my son, but the fearful uhoh first one listed golly, but the fearful and unbelieving and the abominable and murderers and who mongers and SORs and idols liars shall have their part in the lake, which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death look at the company that fear keeps well, you know, a little bit of fear. Okay. Mm-hmm<affirmative> you know, that sounds pretty good until you, uh, put another one of these comp companions in there. Well, you know, a little bit of Horning around won't hurt nothing.<laugh> your wife is probably gonna have an issue with that. I'm just guessing a

Speaker 3:

Little bit of murder,

Speaker 2:

Little bit of murder, you know, they probably needed killing anyway.<laugh> now you see how ridiculous that is? No, not even a little bit of fear. Yeah. You can keep the kids out of the street without fear teach'em it takes more time, takes a lot. It takes a lot more time. It takes a lot more effort, but just teach him, look, um, that that's a big car. It takes it a while to get stopped and you don't want to be out there in front of it. So don't run out in front of the street. Well, what are we supposed to do? Go to Philippians chapter four, go

Speaker 3:

Ahead. Verse six. Be careful for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication with Thanksgiving, let your request be made, known unto God and the peace of God which passes all understanding will keep your heart and minds through Christ. Jesus. Finally, brethren whatsoever. Things are true whatsoever. Things are honest whatsoever. Things are just whatsoever. Things are pure whatsoever. Things are lovely whatsoever. Things are good report. If there be any virtue. And if there be any praise, think on these things.

Speaker 2:

Let me just read the amplified here because that's what it does is amplify in verse six, do not fret or have any anxiety about, about

Speaker 3:

Anything thing.

Speaker 2:

<laugh> it's just, it doesn't get more clearer than that. Don't fret or have anxiety about anything. You got it good because we're out of time.<laugh> Hey, don't go anywhere though. We got a important message. We want to talk to you about, and then, uh, Lynn and I'll be back in just a few minutes.

Speaker 5:

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Speaker 2:

Hey, that website is for you<laugh> and everything on it. Please go over to the website. David weer.org, and just spend time looking around, uh, you know, you just, you just saw about the, the message and, and for this week, but all of our messages, all of our audio, all of our video is available at no charge to you. Why? Because of our partners, our partners help make it available. Click on the partnership tab while you're over there. Get more information about what's involved with that. And then while you're over there, check out David weer.org/events<laugh> and check it out because we've got a meeting coming up next week. Oh, you don't wanna miss it. March 18th through the 20th brother, Jerry Seve is gonna be preaching Friday night. I'll be preaching Saturday night, brother, Rick Renner. Rick Rena is going to be there as well as pastor Gordon Mueller. It's the second annual faith conference in Corona, California hosted by pastor Rodney. Kyle's the assembly church man last year was the first one. And it was over the top. Absolutely. I can't hardly wait to see what the Lord is gonna do with this one. It is marvelous in my eyes and it's not even here yet.<laugh> so make your plans, make your reservations, make your travel arrangements and get there. Your faith will be stronger. Healing will be available cuz Jesus is there<laugh> you wanna be there? You really do. Now Lynn and I want to thank you for joining us today. We don't take it lightly. We never just take it for granted. We appreciate you going to the effort to tune into the broadcast or record it on your DVR and watch it later or listen to it on the, on apple podcast or however you're listening to it. The go victory app, the VGN in Arkansas. However, you're seeing the broadcast. We're just glad you made the effort to do it. We're thankful until next week. Remember that God loves you. He's always for you. He's never against you Lynn and I love you so much. And Jesus is Lord

Speaker 5:

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